Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A little to think about for the 4th...

My fellow Patriots on the left, right, or center, spare me a moment of your day: On this, the anniversary of our conception as a free people, let us be reminded of what those who wrote these words were dedicating their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to bring about. The end of tyranny. Let us remember and let us rededicate ourselves to that sacred struggle. Yet again we face the greedy hands and ravenous jaws of tyrants. Only this time, the enemies of liberty are our own elected leaders... those who we chose and who swore to protect this nation and its Constitution and who, whether by design or by corruption, have failed in that vow. Our time has come. If we do not soon revive the fires of liberty and throw ourselves headlong into the fight for our freedom ...for our very lives, then all may truly be lost. As a great man once said, if we lose freedom here, there is no place to run to. This is the last Our time has come. Put your boots on.

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